How to create a community
1. Click the Communities button.
2. Click the Create New button.
3. Enter a logo or image and enter the details about your community.
4. Choose if you want to allow anyone to join or have to request an invite to join your community. Then click the Create button.
5. Here are your communities you have created and are a member of.
6. Discover new communities to network with other like minded members.
7. Click on a community to open.
8. Click the Chat tab to see the community chat thread.
9. Click the Post tab to see all posts within the community.
10. Click the Members tab to see all members within the community.
11. Click the events tab to view all upcoming events for this community.
12. Click the setting icon to update the information for your community.
13. Click the menu icon to open the options menu.
14. Click invite to send invites to grow your community.
15. You are able to send invites by email or search for members by name.